In the latest episode of “Hollywood Obsessed ,” host Tony Miros interviews actor, writer, and producer Jeff East who is best known for his portrayal of the teenage Clark Kent in Richard Donner's 1978 blockbuster film Superman...
During the second half of Tony’s fascinating conversation with former child actor KEITH THIBODEAUX , he tells him all about touring the country at the age of five to promote the “Little Ricky” clothing line, how easy it was f...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros speaks with former child actor KEITH THIBODEAUX who is best known for playing “Little Ricky” Ricardo on the classic TV series “I LOVE LUCY” ! During his revealing convers...
During the second part of Tony’s conversation with actor, writer, and director Nicholas Hammond , they discuss his memorable appearance on the classic TV series “ The Brady Bunch ”, how he got the role for which he is perhaps...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros speaks with celebrated actor Nicholas Hammond who is best known for playing the role of Friedrich von Trapp in “The Sound of Music” as well as the role of Peter …
During the second part of his conversation with actor and former child star Keith Coogan, Tony asks him how he got his first on-screen role in the hilarious 1987 teen comedy “Adventures In Babysitting,” what it was like worki...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros talks with actor Keith Coogan - best known for starring in the hilarious comedies “Adventures in Babysitting” and “Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter Is Dead” - about what's i...