In the latest episode of “Hollywood Obsessed ,” host Tony Miros interviews actor, writer, and producer Jeff East who is best known for his portrayal of the teenage Clark Kent in Richard Donner's 1978 blockbuster film Superman...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros speaks with legendary director JOHN BADHAM who is best known for directing the iconic 1977 classic disco film “ Saturday Night Fever” ! During their fascinating two-part...
During the second part of Tony’s riveting conversation with actress, director and author Dinah Manoff , they discuss her winning the Tony Award for her performance in the Broadway production of Neil Simon's “I Ought To Be In ...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros speaks with actress, director, and writer Dinah Manoff who is best know for playing the role of "Pink Lady" Marty Marachino in the blockbuster musical film “ Grease ” st...
During the second part of Tony Miros’s captivating interview with film director Randal Kleiser, they discuss his experience working with famed choreographer Pat Birch on all the musical numbers in “Grease”, how the number “Th...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros has a fascinating conversation with celebrated film director Randal Kleiser – who is best known for directing the blockbuster movie musical “Grease” starring John Travol...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros chats with actress Dee Wallace about leaving her hometown in Kansas and moving to NYC to start her career in acting, auditioning at HB Studio to study with legendary acti...