In the latest episode of “Hollywood Obsessed ,” host Tony Miros interviews actor, writer, and producer Jeff East who is best known for his portrayal of the teenage Clark Kent in Richard Donner's 1978 blockbuster film Superman...
In the latest episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros speaks to Kenneth Johnson, the successful writer-producer-director who created many Emmy Award Winning shows including The Bionic Woman , The Incredible Hulk , V :...
During the second half of Tony's captivating conversation with former teen idol and actor Michael Gray , they discuss why actor Jackson Bostwick left the role of Captain Marvel after just one season on "Shazam!”, what it was ...
In the latest episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros interviews Michael Gray , who is best known for his role in the Saturday morning TV series Shazam! and being one of the most popular teen idols of the …
On the latest episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros interviews film producer, director, and actor Andrew Stevens . Stevens is best known for his role in the glitzy miniseries " Hollywood Wives ," based on the work of...
During the second half of Tony's fascinating conversation with award-nominated Broadway, TV and film star Adrienne Barbeau , they discuss a variety of topics including her memories of working with Norman Lear on “ Maude ”, he...
On the latest episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros interviews TV, Film and Broadway star ADRIENNE BARBEAU who is best known for her starring roles in the classic TV sitcom “ Maude” and iconic Sci-Fi, horror and come...
On the latest episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros interviews his friend, actress Charlene Tilton , best known for her role as Lucy Ewing on the 1980s hit TV show " Dallas ". During their fascinating conversation, ...
During the second half of Tony’s fantastic conversation with legendary film and television star Stefanie Powers they discuss how MGM Television bought her contract from Columbia and cast her on the spy series " The Girl from ...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros speaks with film and television star Stefanie Powers who is best known for playing the glamorous, jet-setting, sleuth Jennifer Hart on the classic TV series "Hart To Hart...
During the second half of Tony’s fascinating conversation with actor Dean Butler they discuss how welcomed he felt his first day on the set of “ Little House on the Prairie ”, how obviously awkward the 8-year age difference b...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros speaks with actor Dean Butler who is best known for playing Almanzo Wilder on the classic TV series “ Little House On The Prairie”! During the first part of their candid …
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros speaks with actress Rutanya Alda, who is best known for playing the role of Joan Crawford’s assistant Carol Ann in the mother of all camp classic films “Mommie Dearest”!...
During the second part of Tony’s fascinating conversation with director John Badham they discuss what it was like filming “ Saturday Night Fever” on the streets of Brooklyn surrounded by thousands of John Travolta fans, what ...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros speaks with legendary director JOHN BADHAM who is best known for directing the iconic 1977 classic disco film “ Saturday Night Fever” ! During their fascinating two-part...